
Wich is the other world.... well, everybody has his own "other world"...

martes, 13 de julio de 2010

30 seconds to Mars...Logos...

Jared Letto, the singer of Thirty Seconds To Mars, is who design the Logo of the band
every thing in it have a special meaning...

I think the most interesting thing is the phrase "Provehito in Altum", writted in latin this
can mean "Launch forward into the deep" or "Reach for the heights" depending on the
meaning of "altum" (latin word)

Here is the Logo... i think it is very cool:

Well, the Fenix (the bird), is a very big and magic bird that is symbol of the eternal life and
of the "Rebirth".

The ARROW is the graphic representation of "Provehito in Altum". It is although a symbol
of the war and battle God of the nordic mythology.(Tyr or Tiwaz)

The "X" means "union". So it is a reference of the ECHELON. "Echelon" is how they call to
their fans, believers or followers...

Even with the album "a beautiful lie" , Jared Letto made an other Logo, this one:

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